radical, relational therapy
for personal growth and healing
licensed professional counselor in portland, oregon
radical as in going to the root. as in challenging conventional therapy norms.
relational as in prioritizing safety and trust. as in honoring our shared humanity.
You probably landed on my website for a reason.
Maybe a recent event has dramatically altered your life. Maybe nothing specific happened, but you’ve been struggling for a while without enough support. Or maybe you just know you’re never done learning about yourself. No matter what brought you here, you’re seeking growth and healing.
It’s not that you’re fantasizing about a life free from pain or struggle. It’s just a sense that you can confidently handle whatever crap life throws your way.
You’re ready to do the work to build that trust in yourself. But you want a little guidance - someone who can help you understand how you got here, explore who you are, and discover where you want to go.
When you’re ready to take that first courageous step, I’ll meet you there.